So lonely without my mum

I lived with her my entire life. 36 years. I’m beyond devastated that she’s not here. There was so much I still wanted to tell her, to hold her hand again. I’m completely alone and I’ve spent most of the time I’ve had off crying alone in my room. I have to go back to work tomorrow and I’m dreading it. She was my rock and all I had to keep me going. I miss her terribly💔


Hi @seanmum - I’m so sorry about your mum. I can relate exactly to what you say as I’ve just lost my dad. The pain and emptiness feels like it’s going to consume you and the future looks terrifying. I’ve found other people’s words on here comforting and supportive and I hope you do too. Sending thoughts and strength. Jack x


Lost my mam Dec 30th 2022 and like you she was my life We can only try to survive without them and I don’t know how but take small steps each hour to get through the day.Just wanted to say I am thinking of you x
Deborah x

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