So lonely

It is coming up to a year since I lost my wonderful husband so suddenly. The reality of it all is starting to hit me - I am on my own.
My daughter and I argue a lot and she is not speaking to me - I know it is the emotions leading upto the anniversary but I feel so alone and can’t stop crying !


Oh jenny I am so sorry for your loss,I lost my wonderful bob recently he was my rock my everything and it is so lonely without them. One day at a time is all we can do at the moment. Sending you warm hugs
Take care x

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@Jenny6 I am so sorry that you are going through this. I also lost my husband in December suddenly and unexpectedly at the age of 53 years old. I feel like you so sad and the reality that we will never see our soulmates again is so hard and heartbreaking. This is such a difficult journey that we are on. I try and keep busy to fill my time. This time last year life seem so normal. Never saw it coming. Take care and big hugs xx


Yeh im back to tears today … miss him … that stability and company he gave me. Also in hindsight you actually realise how happy u were ! Compared to now !!! wrote him a big letter in my journal last night !!! Telling him as much and thanking him for loving me for all those years - he gave me so much xxx


Yeh same … coming up to a year for me too ! Hard isnt it ? Its all coming back those memories and yeh all of a sudden i feel so alone too - we been alone all year but somehow it really brings it home to us doesnt it - that year landmark ! Xxxx

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Did you watch strictly @Hazel.1966 ? Wow annabel croft was ace ! Go girl … you can see the pain in her face though i think but she really enjoyed her dance to shakira ! I love that song xxx

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Yes I did and she is so very brave. I would be in bits xx

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Hi Everyone
Nearly another weekend has passed it is 22 weekends since my husband left this world.
Today it was cold in Scotland but managed the garden for a while.
Tackled the bamboo 16ft high i am only 5ft 1in so it was challenging hope noone was watching they would have been laughing :smiley: at my attempt
Had enough and dark now so sitting down to watch TV well its on dont think ive managed to watch anything but its background noise.
Think hot bath and bed early tonight if i can sleep like everyone thats not too good either.
Take care
Lynne x


Hi Lynne. I find some days i can motivate myself to be productive…but then there are the other days. Im in Scotland too, yes, it’s freezing.

Take care

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Sorry for your loss.
Hope you are ok.

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