So lost

Please please can someone help me…i lost my partner my soulmate i just feel so lost…and want to be with much…


Hello, your in the right place, we have all been where you are, your probably in shock & it takes time for that to wear off, for the moment just try to eat little & often, take a hot bath & try to sleep at any time of the day, the shock will wear off & you will feel a range of emotions but in time the rawness will ease.

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Hi @Sue3122
Like @Flower_garden said you will still be i shock and it takes time to process whats happening.
We have all gone through similar experiences some of us are a little further on some like yourself just starting this journey none of us wanted.
We are all here to help you chat share anytime you feel the need to talk.
I’m sure you will find the support you need on this forum.
Im the meantime take care and time to look after yourself as you go through all sorts of emotions and feelings.
I am 7 months into this and no two days the same, so sometimes you just have to give i to your feelings cry shout get angry whatever it takes to make you feel better.
Sending hugs and :heart:

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I am so sorry for your loss. We know what you are going through as we have all been through the same traumatic experience. I lost my beloved angel and soulmate just over 8 months ago and even now I still wish that he would be here by my side every day. I am so thankful for this amazing forum that gives me a chance to share my pain and sorrow whenever I need to and I am also very grateful for the support I receive from everyone who reads and comments.
So please do share with us as we are all here to listen and support each other as much as we can.
Sending hugs & strength X

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I’m at 7 months and tonight I so ache for him . He was always there for me and i have had this vile cough for 5 weeks . I bet it wouldn’t have been so bad if he was here . Life is so cruel . At 56 I may have a long wait to get to Andrew’s arms again


I can totally identify with you, I long for my angel every single day since he passed 8 months ago. He was my angel, my guardian angel and was always so protective- now I am so lost without him :broken_heart:
Life is so cruel indeed but I do hope you are recovering from this horrible cough soonest - he’s probably looking over you right now and would want you to be positive and not to give up.
Best wishes X

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@Angel1309 thank you for your kindness. I am doing a bit better each day . I have been listening and reading a book now by David Kessler and he makes a lot of sense about how we are feeling now . I am sure my Andrew lit some solar lights they seemed to come on and follow me as I put out the bin yesterday xx


@Jol not at all, I am glad you are doing better. I must get that book by David Kessler - love reading!
How soothing to feel that your beloved is looking out for you, I love that feeling when I feel his presence, which I do all the time - really comforting :orange_heart:
Please take care X

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