So many stabbings and murders

I don’t know what is happening in the world ,so many murders and stabbings.It is as if the world cannot see how precious human life is. My son like so many others here loved life, he did not want to die and yet life was taken from him by cancer at aged 47years. Have we forgotten to say we love you to one and other rather than laugh at someone because they are different by the colour of their skin ,religion,gender ,the way they look. It is not what shows on the outside it is what is on the inside of a person.A lot of stabbings etc do not make head lines now,but they leave long term affects on the victims family and the families of the affenders.


I agree - on a larger scale Russia - Ukraine and now Israel - Palestine
So much hatred in the world, hard to have any faith in humanity

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I just wonder sometimes did the lord take my son knowing there are going to be such bad things that were going to happen. Who knows,what with all these going wrong with the world,hate,greed jealousy. I sometimes wonder he was too good for the world.Love to everyone.