So much greif

I feel like im in a never-ending ending cycle of grief. It started when i lost my granddad during this time i was in an abusive relationship which ended soon after i lost him. Then i lost my childhood dog that i had from being 9. Then suffered an ectopic pregnancy, i got a puppy to as a therapy dog and he died 5 days after i got him. Then 3 weeks ago my world imploded, i lost the love of my life, the person who glued me back together and my soul mate. This has all happened in the span of 2 year. Loosing my partner is the very worst thing i have ever had to live through and i dont have him to get me through it and it feels completely impossible. Its been a tough few years but ive always had some hope and now i feel completely hopeless

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Hello @SJ_c00 ,

I’m so sorry to hear about what you have been through and all of your losses. It sounds as though things are so very difficult for you at the moment and you are feeling hopeless following all these bereavements.

I’m glad that you’ve been able to share how you are feeling here and I hope that you find the community a good source of support. Everyone here has experienced the loss of a loved one and will understand some of what you are going through.

I’m sure someone will be along to offer their support, but I wanted to share a few Sue Ryder resources with you that may help you right now.

Another good place to get support is WAY (Widowed and Young) - for anyone under 50 who has lost a partner. Online forums and offline meet-ups,

Take care - keep reaching out,


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@SJ_c00 I feel for all your loss. I too feel like I’m destined to be in a permanent state of grief and misery
I was in an unhappy marriage for years which finally ended a few years ago. I then met the the most wonderful man I wanted spend the rest of my life with. So thought I’d found a happy ending.
In December my dad died, I found him the day after we returned from holiday. I lost my mum 11 years ago and have no siblings. It was devastating but he was elderly and I knew he would not have wanted to have gone into hospital. So with the support from my partner I was coping.
7 weeks, 2 days after my dad died my world collapsed as my partner died unexpectedly at work. The person who was helping me through everything and had showed me how good life could be had also gone. I too didn’t know how I could carry on but I have and I am now 10 weeks into trying to deal with life on my own. It’s not easy. I cry everyday wishing I could go back to December when everything was good but I know I can’t. I keep being told it is still very early days and to take one day at a time and that’s all I do. So take things one day at a time, take time to cry and grieve. You are very early in this awful journey. But we are all here for you. Xx


I can’t imagine how difficult it must be to have to go through so much grief all at the same time. Most of us have lost one dear person. It’s insane how much you both have got to cope with, without the one person you need most, which is the worst kind of grief of all. I wish you both strength. Be kind to yourselves. It takes a long, long time and though it’s hard, patience is everything, not something I’m good at, but learning.