So sad

I am so lost without my husband Michael I fear I can’t go on much longer my heart is broken the pain I feel it hurts so much I miss him badly only 8 months he’s been gone


Hello @Debby56, I’m so sorry for your loss. Nothing can take away your pain and to be honest would you want it to? But I can tell you that our pain becomes a part of who we are and we simply have to learn to live with it. I remember how in the early days of my grief, I never wanted the pain to leave me because if it did then I would be over losing my man. Five and a half years later, I realise the pain will never leave me and I will never get over my loss. However, the pain is now a part of me, it’s hidden most of the time but it’s always there. I think of my pain as being David prodding me to remind me he’s still here. I get on with life and can enjoy it to a certain extent, so @Debby56 there is hope. We have to have hope.

I’m proud of my grief, I’m proud of my man and I’m proud and grateful for the wonderful, adoring love we had for one another. Our grief is deep because our love is deep. This will be of no solace to you at the moment but I wanted you to know that there is life alongside grief. There is hope.

Sending strength and understanding x