So so sad and alone

Im around my family alot but i still feel so lonely and miss my husband so must and everyday feels like living in hell and i don’t know how to help my son and my daughter tells me to call up for help and support and she right because i suffer with mental health issues and she worried it will get out of control. But I don’t feel depressed just so sad and missing my husband :cry: i just want my son to be happy again and be his old self and i just want our life back :cry: but I know it’s never be the same without my husband :cry:


Hello @Judy10,

I’m so sorry to hear about your husband. It sounds as though things are very difficult at the moment and you are missing him a lot.

I’m sure someone will be along to offer their support. You might already be familiar with our other Online Bereavement Support services, but if not, you can find out more about our Online Counselling service, our Grief Coach text support service, and our Grief Guide self-help tools by visiting the link.

Take care - keep reaching out,


Hi @Judy10 I so sorry for the loss if your husband and the suddenness of it all. It’s not long at all so you must be really struggling with all the pain and shock.
It is awful this loss and unfortunately you are right that it won’t be the same without your husband, but hopefully it will get easier as time passes and we adapt to a new life.
But that is in the future and you need to make sure you look after yourself and just try to get through each day, each hour as you can.
You can support your family too and if you feel you need help from mental health services then do get in touch with them. But you are aware that you’re not depressed, you are grieving, and there is a huge difference in the two and sadly we must feel the pain of our loss to be able to move forwards.
Try get your son to talk to you if you are worried about him, my youngest is only 16 and she keeps it all inside so I have to work hard to get her to talk to me. She’s getting a bit better but I know she worries about me too and doesn’t want to burden me more.
Keep posting on here - it can really help to know you are not alone in this journey xx

Thank you and i do suffer with mental health and i have to be careful i don’t get depressed. Because I have been there before and my son is autistic and suffer from anxiety and he has now got health anxiety and he also worries about me and then i feel bad. It’s not been 5 week’s till Sunday and we had funeral last Tuesday. But unfortunately hospital don’t know what happened to my husband and now having to wait 3 to 4 months until we know and then i can register his death. It’s heartbreaking :broken_heart:

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Oh Judy i also suffer from mental health issues it is so hard to find the posatives isnt it. I dont think i will ever feel normal again xx

Yeah it’s horrible mental health and then losing my husband :disappointed: it’s not even 5 week’s and im lost and broken :broken_heart: how about you xx

Mine isnt 3 weeks yet, omg how hard is this are you alone or do you have someone living with you. I am all alone first time in my life and i am really struggling :sleepy: .xx

Do you not have family and i have a grown up son. So I’m lucky to have him xx

I wish i did i hate the empty house. Does your son want to come live here with me lol. It would be lovely to have another human voice. Xxx

Morning and could you not find someone to live with you and that would give you someone to talk to. But you would need to be careful xx

I dont kniw anyone i wish i did xxxx