So tired - is this normal

Hi everyone. I’m new so thought i’d give it a try. My dear Grandad passed on the 19th Feb :frowning: . I spent last week crying and in shock. I actually felt quite rundown at the end of last week, so have decided to go back to work today. I just feel so tired - I go to bed and lie there thinking about Grandad it hurts. Thinking why did he have to pass so suddenly :(. I’m being eased back into work, but I feel drained and exhausted, is this normal in the stages of grief? I slept a lot last week and still felt tired. I feel I just want to go back to sleep now, but will still wake up exhausted.


Hello @Katie_Sunflower,

I’m so sorry to hear about your grandad. I just want to reassure you that the exhaustion that you’re feeling is something many people experience when they’re grieving. We have an article on our Grief Guide about the physical symptoms of grief - you might find it helpful to read.

Take good care,

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Hi. I’m so sorry for your loss. :heart: Yes, feeling exhausted in common and most of us are tired even if we manage to sleep. Grief affects us both mentally and physically and depletes all our energy reserves. Take it easy at work and let them know if it gets to be too much.


You aren’t alone feeling exhausted. I’ve suffered from insomnia since my mum died just over 6 weeks ago and feel exhausted all the time. x

@Ulma thank you :heart:. It’s just awful feeling this way, :(. I’ve spoke to work they are really supportive, I will go back to answering calls tomorrow, but they’ve said let them know if I start to struggle.

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@Victoria22 oh I’m so sorry to hear of your Mum’s passing :pleading_face::cry:. I wish i could stay in bed and sleep everyday at the moment. Even when I get sleep it feels like I haven’t even rested. Take care :heart:

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