so tired

I lost my Dad to dementia 20 months ago. I had so much to deal with at first, which probably took my mind off things, but now I seem to be going backwards. I get so down and anxious every day. I hate waking up in the morning, even though I can’t sleep. I wish I could get some energy back and get on with my life. I’m so exhausted

@lfc73 I understand how you are feeling. I lost my wife of 35 years at the start of January and there was so much to do it kept my mind off it. Now that everything is sorted i am just in a daze. The world has turned grey. I can’t sleep at night but do not want to get up in the morning.
I went to the doctor and was diagnosed with depression & anxiety. I am currently on medication & waiting for a bereavement counsellor.
It might be worth talking to your doctor because it sound to me like depression.
sending you a hug

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Grief is so exhausting and just saps all the energy from you.
Try to be kind to yourself and let yourself grieve but you do need sleep for energy as well as eating well and getting some support.
There’s no timescale for this journey but do go seek help if you feel it’s grown into something more than it was.
Sending hugs x

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Ifc73 Grief is exhausting You have had a double dose as you were looking after someone too before they died If I was you I d look at my diet exercise and sleep patterns Are you eating healthy are you able to sleep well If not both of these issues will add to your problems Secondly see your GP maybe u are depressed Also get a blood test maybe you are lacking some vitamins or minerals I bet you have been neglecting your own health while you were caring Hope you feel better soon

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Gizziecat3 thanks for reaching out.
I do suffer from depression and anxiety and take medication. I’ll see how I go on with them
So sorry for your loss,best wishes to you

Roni52 thanks so much for responding to my post, your advice is very much appreciated, hopefully ill get a good nights sleep tonight ,I need it

Stranger1 you were so right that I had a double dose. When I was caring for my Dad I knew at the time the caring would take its toll, but what can you do, he was my Dad and my responsibility, he would have done the same for me.
I receive the bereavement text support and I may apply for the counciling

Grief is most definitely mentally draining and sometimes cant sleep either been on sertaline for nearly 4 years started at 50mg now on 200mg to try get buy some times like walking a never ending road

Yes I get really tired.
Grief is exhausting.
Wish I could say I got everything done.
Can’t imagine I ever will. I find it very hard to do what he did as well as what I used to do. He said I would be alright and not to worry he would do it when he came home and he never did but I kind of talk to myself saying the words he said over and over even imagining he is back saying stuff like come in you can do it I will help you.
Sometimes a thought comes into my head what he would have said. Some things I now find I have changed.
Gradually. When I was away I find in my mind I think of him sitting next to me like he used to do although of course not really.
I put a pillow where he would have been.

Yip keep thinking dad would say you will be fine get on with it miss is really tough .And while a struggle with grief and anxiety my wife was pregnant but had a misscarriage was looking forward to being a dad again and would have helped me though hard days