So very hard

So tonight how I didn’t have a full on meltdown I do not know :disappointed:
Walked into Mum n Dads and on cir he asks , ‘ How’s Dave love , not seen him for a while’ :pleading_face:

I could of quite happily turned around and walked straight back out that door, but I can’t as I need to care for them , I feel so desperately sad :pensive::pensive::pensive:

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MrsT, my Dad is in a care home with dementia and always says ’ Is Colin not with you today’ so I know how you feel. It’s like a punch in the stomach :weary: I had to take a step back in the early days as I couldn’t handle it, unfortunately you don’t have that luxury as you need to care for your parents and because you love them you will handle it. What other choice do you have eh :cry:

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What other choice indeed :disappointed::broken_heart::broken_heart::broken_heart::broken_heart:

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arggghhh… I’m sorry :cry: Big hug to you both…that’s so hard

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How very sad ! It is very hard to lose our soulmate and still have elderly parents alive . I did wonder if I would resent my mother being still around when my husband died . However I just feel it’s not her fault as know she would happily have swapped places with my lovely man if she could . However I now don’t have to look after her as she is in a care home and very well cared for . Haven’t been able to visit since March but sometimes talk on the phone .
I really feel for you as know how heartbreaking it can be having to repeat everything so many times as they forget within moments .
God bless you in the care you are giving and remember with dementia it isn’t the person we knew and loved any more . Try to remember how they were . You need so much strength to cope each day especially in these difficult times :pray:x