Solo holidays

I think it’s important to keep our dreams alive.
Our partners were, and still are, a part of our dreams. We owe it to them to fulfil them.
I know Nigel would want me to do this, and if I’d gone first, I would absolutely want that for him.
I will miss him on every trip for sure and I’m so desperate to retire as soon as possible so our dreams don’t slip away…


Check passion for cruises they do solo no supplement prices.

I am looking at leger for next year as an option as much better coaches. Which one are you doing in July I might be on it. I was going to do xmas markets but decided alot of travel for a few days.

:+1: thanks, I’ll check them out.

I’m booked on the “Treasures of Tuscany and Rome”, mainly because I just fell in love with Italy this year and needed to see Rome again. The Luxuria coach is very good and I met some very nice people. Obviously, it will be a bit warmer going in July but I’m really looking forward to it after spending a couple of weeks in Disneyworld with my grown up son next year. I too thought that the Christmas Market trip might be a bit long on the coach compared to time visiting places but the trip consists of visiting 3 different German towns and markets.

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Ive just looked at the Italy one with my daughter as she said about it for me. Not sure yet but will let you know if I book it


I am struggling to book a holiday at the moment.
Decisions are difficult. I cant make it work using this online booking.
I know what I want but finding it is a bit different.
Acess to a pretty sandy shaded beach no climbs.
Self catering close by with bus stop nearby and affordable shops. Swimming pool and tv and WiFi. I like painting outside so can’t easily carry so use a buggy to put everything on. I am not into expensive coffee and cake shops just prefer picnics and occasional pub meal.
I cant drive myself. My old car I wouldn’t want to take. Be tricky hiring a car. I can cope on my own now after 18 months. But I am 79 now so not able to do what I used to do. I thought of going to Warners as there is one close by where I live but it is too expensive. However if I could find the right right package would go. It is like getting blood out of a stone to get information. I need to make an informed decision. I would like to go for the day to look first but do you think it is possible well not at the moment.
I had a lovely day out with my son to Hidcote National Trust garden and Birdland at Bourton on the Water and dinosaur land with my son and three grandsons and in the swimming pool there which we almost had to ourselves.

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I lost my hubby in November 23 to cancer. He asked me to promise to carry on enjoying life. My friend lost her hubby 33 hours earlier. We had told them we were going to Scotland after they passed away. They made us promise to do it. My friend’s sister and husband joined us. We did a 7 day coach trip with Lochs and Glens. It was sad but brilliant at the same time. There was 4 people from a bereavement group on the trip. They showed us that it wasn’t wrong to carry on living. We are going again in April. Different part of Scotland this time.

This was the view from our room


Where is the gower ? X

Cant you ring instead and book rather than doing online ? Xx

Deb5 The Gower peninsular was the first designated Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty in the UK. The clue is in the name! It’s in Wales, between Swansea and Llanelli. Coastal path, beaches, hills, some decent restaurants.

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Oh i love wales ! Me and my husbands last holiday together was in wales near snowdonia , porthmadog ! Never heard of it and how is the clue in the name ? Dont get that ?

The Gower Peninsular,Wales, go on Google maps and it will find it for you. Hope you are okay.

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Sorry I meant the clue to what it’s like is in the designation…area of outstanding natural beauty.

Oh yeh i know wales is pretty - ive been … but never heard of the gower… live and learn hey … never heard of it before …

As ok as i can be i suppose - thanks are you ? Bit rough at moment tbh … the trials and tribulations of being a bloody widow hey ! Ive been doing my husbands allotment recently so thats been quite good - some nice people on there …going to see my new baby grandson today :slight_smile: x

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Much like you I’m in one of those roller coaster dips where energy and motivation are in short supply. In two weeks time it will be one year since I lost Jacky but for some unknown reason I really do struggle to accept that I will never see her,hear her voice or get to play the tricks on her that used to have us both in stitches.
We all have this very different life,we have all had the happiness taken away through no fault of our own but somehow we have to find a way to carry on and for me at the moment carrying on isn’t quite so appealing.
I go out every day no matter the weather and have done since the day that I lost her,that’s a freedom that many people don’t have so I should be grateful. I have my own home,a new car,financially quite well off,my health isn’t the best but it isn’t too bad,I could go anywhere in the world on holiday,having built my own home in Spain I don’t have any worries about maintaining this one; but ! and it’s an enormous but! none of it means anything,absolutely not a thing. I should be able to look around and say a prayer of thanks for my good fortune and especially when I read so many comments on here from people who are desperately struggling for many reasons but all I do is see Jacky in everything and she is the only thing I want and can’t have. The pain is excrutiating, living on the edge of tears and emotional torture is a new experience for me and I’m sure for everyone on here, and all of those who aren’t on here. When does it end ? When does it change? Does it ever get better ?
On a much brighter note I’m so pleased to hear that you are seeing your grandson and daughter/in law. I think it’s also great that you are pushing yourself with the allotment because as we all know energy and motivation are often in short supply so well done you,gold star.
Take care and enjoy your day. Kind regards,Mike.


I did a cruise in January, I joined the solo group and had a lot of good times with them. It was hard going back to the cabin on my own no-one to chat about the day etc. I have booked another cruise for next year, I felt very safe on the cruise, if anyone is hesitant try it, tgere is always company on a cruise. Good luck


Hello Sam I booked a cruise in March for next March 25 and had a good deal for single occupancy balcony cabin with P & O
I believe they only allocate so many for singles. I feel safer on a cruise than a hotel also more people to meet on the solo group.
Its a horrible hard road were on. Take care

Ive never cruised but fancy one, only problem is I get sea sick.

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