Some days .........

I’m six months into this dreadful lonely journey. We were both in care work ( I still am) and we worked right through the first lockdown . We both retired from full time nursing and both returned part time . We had made so many plans over the years and through out our 33 years of marriage . Rob was always into his lambretta ( not everyone’s cup of tea I know) but he bought a big cruiser bike so we could go touring , we were into northern soul and went dancing at week ends whenever our shifts allowed .
Then September 1st 2020 came and took him so suddenly at the age of 56 and totally destroyed all if it and my entire world was shattered into a thousand pieces .
Some days I feel I can do this
Some days I’m just a wreck
Some days the pain is so intense I just can’t focus.
Some days I feel he’s right by my side .
But most days I feel scared, alone ,tired, angry.

I have to get through this for my two kids and grandkids and for Rob because I know deep in my heart he wouldn’t want me to be this way
We will all get through this together take care all :heart:Karen​:blue_heart:


I know how you feel Karen, I lost my husband in November and I should be going back to work next week, I work in care too, but not sure how it’s going to be, like you said, some days I don’t want to do anything or speak to anyone, but I have to try.

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So very sorry for your very sudden loss. 56 is so young, to lose your husband. It’s so hard to get through each day and being able to contemplate your future without your husband is really tough.
Keep remembering the happy times and take your time. I too work in care and lost my husband last May. I am thankful to be able to go out to work to have contact with other people and to keep busy. However, it can take a huge effort to be out working and composed. The tears can still arrive without warning. Take it easy, look after yourself. Sending a virtual hug.

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