Something lovely happened today

I wasn’t feeling good today. I’m not looking forward to lockdown or anything else. I spend most of my time looking backwards. But then something happened. I got home from walking the dogs, and there was a lovely bunch of flowers on my doorstep. Inside was a card thanking me for finding and returning a mobile phone in a case with some credit cards.
I was so touched. I found the phone yesterday & with the police’s agreement spent some time tracking down the owner. No great detective work - I waited for it to ring,
The bloke who owned it I guess didn’t have a lot of money and for me yesterday was a long draining day agreeing a price for our/my house with a couple determined to argue over every last penny.
After the selfish haggling it was such a lovely, generous gesture. The kind of thing my husband would have done. I’ll probably never see the man again, but if I do I’ll let him know that he gave me the first moment of pleasure in the last 3 months.
The world needs more people like that.
The only thought that’s keeping me going these days is the certainty that my beloved husband would be furious with me if I just gave up.


During this terrible time I have constantly been amazed by the kindness of people. It as reminded me that not everybody are self absorbed automatons.
The majority of human race seems to be made up of decent kind if sometimes embarrassed people. One of the positives of having to live thru this hell. Hope you make to the sunny side of the street.

Beautiful flowers

Dear Christie
Thank you so much for sharing your beautiful flowers with us. You rose above your grief and did a kind and thoughtful act by tracing the owner of the phone and he responded likewise. We live in such devisive and uncertain times that seem to exacerbate our grief but every now and then the light breaks through the gloom…thank you again for sharing …your husband would be so proud of you.
I hope all goes well with your move. Take care x

It is said that when we meet someone we ‘may be entertaining an angel unaware’. There are so many kind and considerate people about, and it costs nothing to be like that.
“Do unto others as you would have others do unto you”.
People soon get tired of those who whinge and moan. They finish up with few friends because who wants to hear continual negativity. The pain we all feel on here is why we are here. To get some comfort from those who are going through a bad time as we are. I think sending flowers in thanks for your kindness is an act of real appreciation. He must be a very considerate guy.
Take care all. John.

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They are. Amazing how a gesture from a stranger cheered me up.

Thanks, Seoaris. I believe that kindness, grace and tolerance make the world a better place. But sadly it seems lacking in these times, What does your name mean by the way? Hope you make it to the sunny side too.

I was thinking that he would be panicking. I could hardly leave it on the farm track where I found it. Thanks for your kind words. Christie

It wasn’t just the phone, it was the bank cards. Small gestures do make a difference. The flowers were completely unexpected, but very deeply appreciated. I wish more people thought they way you do - the world would be such a better place. Thanks for your kindness.

It Gaelic for George.

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Ahh. Wondered, so many different ways of spelling it. Do you speak Gaelic?

I wish. But I decided to use it so I could have an email address without a number behind it. Believe it or not there are 5 George M***’s in in the small town I live in.

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Dear Christy, I was touched by this story — I would have done the same thing you did. I feel for people just like your beloved husband would have and am happy you followed thru. I know you miss him – my heart goes out to you as I have lost a beloved wife - who was so kind and gentle - it breaks my heart to know how sweet and loving she was - I try every day to follow that same way of life she did. You are doing that same way he did. Bless you dear lady!
Herb (aka greencat)

Thank you so much, Herb. If you knew where I live - in a converted barn on farmland miles from the nearest road - you’d understand more. There is always a very small chance that someone would have stolen it, but it would most likely have been ground to chips underneath the huge wheels of a tractor. At first I thought it was discarded plastic and I was annoyed, but then I looked closer and saw it was an iPhone case with an iPhone and cards inside. These phones cost a lot of money - I once put my husband’s in the washing machine, so I had to do something.
I just read your post on being a year on - it’s just 11 weeks for me and although I felt sad for you I was reassured that you were getting through. This grief ‘journey’ (living nightmare) is the most difficult crisis most of us face in life and especially in the early days it seems impossible. I often feel that I am falling apart. But my dogs and the small human contacts I can have in this COVID lockdown are seeing me though. Bless you too. Christie xxx