
Hi San.Just to let you know I now have my new cat from the rescue centre. I’ve called him a Spanish name ( of course)Manuel .His 2-3yrs old ,has a lovely nature and is great company.His come at the right time as my husbands 1st anniversary is coming up on the 26th .And what’s really lovely is his made his bed on David’s old chair.I got quite emotional. I’m sure there is a song out there for me?Jeanette.x


I found the purrfect song for you :notes: Love his name :heart_eyes:


What about this one Jeanette?

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Funny I was thinking of that! Thank you.x

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Ahh thank you.I love the clip.Yes he is my Moonshadow.Follows me around the kitchen.And we played Morning has broken by Cat Steven’s at David’s funeral.X


Aw that’s lovely, cats are very sensitive to feelings, he will be a good companion. Morning has broken is a beautiful song, it was sung at my daughters wedding, lovely memories :blue_heart:

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Not sure if we have this on our playlist :notes: just listened to the words and it’s a lovely song :blue_heart:

Always good to hear it twice Sandra, with lyrics like that :heart:

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Can we have Morning has Broken on our playlist?x

Perfect :blue_heart:

Love the video Sandra :grinning:. Perfect for Jeanette.

Jeanette, what colour is your cat? I hope he’s settled down with you. It does sound like he’s making himself at home in his choice of chair :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


His a tabby Kate with one wonky ear(bless him).His settled in really well for day 3. I’m so happy I got him.It was strange when he sat on my lap for the first time I got all emotional it was after that he went and made David’s chair his bed?x

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“Nobody puts Baby in a corner.” Oh Ian, you have made me smile with this one. :grinning: The dancing is fabulous and so sensual. I had the time of my life with my David :heart:


I’m laughing and crying at the same time :sob:

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Thank you.xThe other song that you will all like.The words are lovely.How can I tell you by Cat Steven’s as well.Is it possible to find that as well?

I’m thrilled for you Jeanette, I really am. Xx

It’s amazing to have you and San as friends on this site. Thank you.x