sorry if this is the wrong place to post

hi, I’m new to this site & not sure of the p &q’s.

I’m having a crap day today…

My husband andy was killed in a motorbike accident october 2016. …
we were living in australia at the time.
I stayed over there for 18 months, i took the advise friends gave me & didn’t make any big decissions for 12 months.

anyhoo, i moved back to england april 2018 to be near my nieces. Andy & i didn’t have children.

I’ve now bought a lovely house with super views i really like it.
but… everything seems so futile & pointless.

i just miss him soo much. he was only 52 . we had made so many plans , trips we would take, like a safari for our silver wedding…

i know i’m just rambleing on . i just need to vent …

Hi gill it doesn’t matter wether your in the wrong category or not its not a club anyone wants to join or volunteer for this place called grief.
So sorry to hear of the loss of your husband Andy I lost my wife Jane last November aged 67 through kidney disease.
We bought our house here in East Anglia by the sea 11 years ago but I didn’t retire until January 2018 aged 68 sadly she passed away November 2018 so just 10 months together in retirement.
We also dreamed of going to places in this country never wanted to go abroad sadly not to be .
I am now on my own with just my little dog relatives don’t want to know time and life drags by and I miss her so much it hurts.
There are people on this site who maybe better to help you more than I can but hope like me to surmount this feeling of grief hope you find peace as I do but at this time non existent.
Kind regards metal mickey 69

Well done you!! You have bought a lovely house with lovely views. I can thoroughly recommend joining Rock Choir. I joined before Steve passed away, it’s very therapeutic and not surprisingly there are a lot of widows and widowers from all ages and backgrounds. No pressure to sing st the fund raising concerts, but it does help you to meet people. Google Rock Choir snd have a taster session, you won’t be sorry. None of us are great singers but in a choir we sound fab.

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Agree, Rock Choir, regardless of ability lifts your spirit. I joined 6 months after my husband died, sudden and young at 66. Made some lovely friends, even before I joined. You will get support in the group and find your way…I’m only 15 months into my journey and realise it’s a long and challenging one. But you can let yourself be happy too…it surprises me when it happens and it does when we least expect it. More importantly, give yourself credit for the decisions you have made so far, you won’t realise, but you can and will inspire others.

In this group (as well as Rock Choir)

You vent as much as you like. Thats what this web site is for.
I was sorry to hear your loss. Like you I have no family. My Mike died in January and I miss him like mad. I am so lonely all the time even with friends. I hate this life.
I am a bit envious in the fact you have a nice house and a dog to keep you company. Iive in a flat.
Any time you need a moan just moan on this site as I have found a lot of comfort from this web site.
I have felt very down this weekend as haven’t seen anyone. I find weekends worse than weekdays. See I have had a moan so you are allowed!
You take care and message when ever you like. Regards Sue