Special Game

My day started waking from a vivid dream that we were hugging after my Sandie came back …it was all a mistake…except it wasn’t…so…really bad day…love to all…hope you can relate to my latest emotional mind dump…:heavy_heart_exclamation:

Optimistic, that was me
Enthusing for the things to be
A rollercoaster ride of fun
We couldn’t wait to get things done

“Work less, live more” you used to say
Who cares if that will mean less pay
And so we did, we changed our life
Together you and me, my wife

And so began our special game,
Priorities were not the same
And even when life seemed so tough
“Good enough was good enough”

Together we traversed the globe
“Let’s go before we get too old”
Excitment always in your eyes
Your happy face would make me smile

We moved our home so many times
But always happiness in mind
You loved the thought of something new
Another step for me and you

We played our music constantly
Two parts in total harmony
And though you never thought you would
I never doubted that you could

Whatever thing we chose to do
I always wanted to please you
Your happiness was all I wished
“Please let us carry on like this”

But now my world is torn apart
No happiness within my heart
I truly cannot understand
Why fate has dealt this tragic hand

And so I carry on along
The path we trod, but now it’s long
For me to live the life we had
Just cannot be, I’m going mad
For every little thing I do
Reminds me that I’m without you

I truly have no will at all
To replicate our time before
A solo meal, a lonely bed,
What was that thing that you once said?
“We’ll fight the world, just me and you”
Another way cannot be true

But what to do, I cannot see
I need to find this brand new ‘me,’
A fresh new start, a page to fill
The thought of this just makes me ill

Nothing matters anymore
I just don’t care, I’m on the floor
I crawl my way through every day
What can I do, what other other way?

But why do I not have a choice?
It is my life, not yours to voice
I’ve had my fill, my reasons gone
So why must I keep hanging on?

The only trip I wish to take
Is one that means I shall not wake
For that will mean we’ll meet again
And carry on our special game

…and so I wait…and hope…what’s it like there sweetheart?..looks good from here :roll_eyes::heartpulse:


Hi @UnityMan,

Thank you so much for sharing such emotional words with the community. I’m sure it will resonate with many members here and offer some comfort :blue_heart:

Take care,
Online Community Team