Special trip

Hi all,
Today was a special day, when mom was alive, we had planned to go for a special shopping trip to Clarks village in Street, it means catching 2 buses to get there, we had planned it, then COVID hit, & between the lockdowns & mom getting ill, we never got there :pensive:. Well today I decided was the day, I went, & I made it all by myself, :blush::pleading_face:. I had a good day, I did my shopping :shopping:, had a sausage roll at Gregg’s, then caught the bus back to Wells, & walked round there too. I have mixed emotions, I’m happy, & quite proud of myself for managing to do this alone for the first time, it’s a real confidence boost, but at the same time there’s a tinge of sadness because mom didn’t live long enough to make the trip with me :pleading_face::sob:.


I really enjoyed reading how you got on. I wish I had courage to do some of these sort of things like I used to.
Going on two buses and doing all that as well.


That sounds like a lovely day. I thinka lot of nice things are twinged with sadness when we lose someone


Well done for getting out and doing stuff on your own!
I’m sure your mum was in your thoughts most of the day and i reckon she’d be proud of what you achieved x