Spiders 🕷

Oh my word today i had the biggest spider running across the carpet it was the size of a dinner plate (was to me anyway). Im scared of spiders jim always got rid of them for me while im standing on chair . But hes not here to do it so i had to catch it and put it outside my heart was racing just another reminder I’m on my own. Any one else scared of spiders but having to face our fears.


@Misprint, i feel for you i really do :heart: im absolutely petrified of them and i have to catch them and put them out too :sob::sob: xx


I had three times those horrible things sitting in our kitchen sink. My Philmore was always the knight in shining armour and now I had to deal with them on my own. And I managed to chuck them out with trembling hands and feet and feeling sick. I know that they are useful etc. but please, be useful outside our house!!! Sending love and hugs to everyone.


I don’t like spiders either, but my Phil was even more scared than me! and I always had to deal with them. Well he did once, by splatting it on the wall, leaving a horrible dirty mess I had to clean up!!
So after that I always dealt with them…but with him watching me, and thanking me. So makes me feel all alone too when having to put them back outside :cry:


Did any one hear the stephen Nolan show, well he had a spider in his house,and a guest he had on his phone in show who takes a interest in spiders. Well he said the spiders you see in houses are male ones looking for sex with females spiders. So all those spiders you are seeing are sex mad?