
Has anyone visited a spiritualist? I’ve been thinking about it, but I’m scared in case my partner is angry at me for not pushing to get an ambulance quicker and relied on the GP doing what she said she would do. I couldn’t take it if he hated me. I also have no idea of how to find a good one. I just want to know if he is safe and healed now.


I have thought about it recently (lost my Mum 4 months ago). She attended a spiritualist church occasionally after her own mum passed. Are you thinking of individual or group sessions? I’m sure there are both in most areas if you search on the internet or Facebook.

I’m sure he wouldn’t hate you if he has indeed gone somewhere else. Isn’t it awful the worry and the guilt and the what if’s? that follow even if there’s nothing you could have done :pensive:
I’m looking into spiritualists myself after recently losing my partner. I’m waiting for the local spiritualist church to get back to me with a date for a one to one reading. The only thing is the only do the one to ones with learning spiritualists but I’m desperate so I’ll go with it and hope for the best.
Did you ever go to see one after?

I’ve been to an amazing man here in Belfast. I’m a firm believer that there is more we don’t fully understand. The chap I went to see gave me information that he couldn’t have possibly known. I recorded our session and still listen to it…

There are a lot of fakes out there! So choose wisely. I’m planning on going back to see him at some point; I had booked to see him in March, but decided against it at the time.

Unfortunately this chap doesn’t do online readings, you have to see him in person. My brother who is a total sceptic, was knocked sideways when listening to the recording.

Big hug x❤️

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