Starting to date what a mess

I needed to try and start again … It had been so painful for me…losing Ben …Ben brought me peace when he was here .
Went on a date… really got on … But throws far too much at them because I’m looking for a happy life now and was too enthusiastic…
As I’d been through the hell that you all know what that’s like . I was living for the moment… People who ain’t done grief are on a different time clock to us … that we know that life can be taken in an instant… Anyway back to my lonely miserable self … But feeling a little stronger for the experience

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That didn’t take long, according to your profile.
Out of interest, how did you even get started. Was it someone in your circle ? Or god(s) forbid a dating app.
I wouldn’t even know where to begin, or if I’d even want to. Seems highly unlikely given my state of emotion.

Well my particular circumstances are different we were not lifelong and more platonic also had no children.
Yes it was a rubbish experience dating app

I just can’t even imagine wanting to be with anyone else, regardless of the potential years stretching out in front of me…
I just had a ring remade, which she bought me many years ago, it wasn’t particularly expensive or anything at the time but it’s been remade with a thicker, heavier solid silver band to match my wedding ring and it feels like I just put on another layer of armour. Two rings, same weight same size in perfect balance on opposite hands. I know she’d love that.
I am a Libra, so it kind of made sense if you believe in astrology (I don’t ) but I like the symbolism of balance with it.

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Well people are different things change and only speaking from my own experience it’s what he would want for me to be happy again and not sat lonely and miserable and bored…and another million other negatives


Not a criticism at all. To each their own.


My husband died 6 weeks ago. We were both widowed when we met through mutual friends. We both loved our deceased spouses dearly and neither of us were expecting to fall in love again. But we did, we had 16 years together before he had the same sudden cardiac arrest that ended my first marriage.
I firmly believe that if you get a second chance, or a third chance, at happiness you should grab it with both hands.
When each of us marry we promise ourselves until death parts us. Well, unfortunately, it has.
I don’t think I will meet anyone else. I was in my forties when I became a widow the first time. I am now 20 years older.
But if you do meet someone that will bring you joy, I say go for it.


Oops, sorry Tom Tom, that wasn’t specifically a reply to you. I was trying to reply in general. Sausage fingers🙄


I am on dating apps. (On here for loss of parents a few years ago.)
I only wanted to add dating apps are awful with about 10% success rate. But I do know older couples, 50s - 70s, who got together from dating apps. I have friends, both 81, who met at the adult education community center, both fresh off of partner loss. Why waste a moment, they thought. Only to say not to give up. Everyone warns kissing lots of frogs is involved, a rose garden with thorns experience.
Harder being older. But - if you have the feeling you want someone and you really do, “just try,” as my mother always said.


Do what makes you happy I’ve just lost my partner of 17 years you never know what’s around the corner