Staying Strong

Grant us the strength today to go forward, help us to bring a smile to someone else’s face as we face another day alone.
Allow us to recall the good days we shared.
We know our loved ones are now free from pain and suffering and that one day they will be waiting to greet us in your Kingdom.

… bless you, and thank you…Yes grant us the strength to carry on and move forwards as the one thing we want yet cant do is to go back in time, we cant put the clock back to our happy and contented times, the times we want to relive again with our beloveds…

Jackie…sending you a (( hug ))

Amen to what you both have said. We take so much for granted in our lifetime when we should remember to give thanks for our life and all that we have enjoyed in it.
We still have our lives and although it all seems so bleak at the moment we must hang onto our faith that we will recover and our loved ones will remain in our hearts. They are safe from harm and pain, in a place with love and peace. Our pain is our intense love for them.
God bless
Pat xxx

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