
Its 12 weeks since I lost my wife very suddlenly and totally unexpected.
We met when we were 17 years old and have been togethet for over 63 years.
She was the most wonderful wife, mom and grandma and was loved by our extended family and everyone who knew her. She would do anything to help friends and family.
At the moment I am just unable to cope with the sudden loss of the woman who was my whole life and I cannot see any way forward

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Steve so very sorry for your loss. It’s 10 weeks since I lost my beloved partner and the love of my life suddenly . It is such early days for us and everything is raw. We are still in a state of disbelief. So many emotions, it is exhausting. Please keep posting on this site. Very sadly we are all in the same devastating situation and everyone is so supportive and no one judges. It is the one place everyone genuinely understands.
Sending love and strength xx

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Steve I lost my husband 6 weeks ago and we met when I was 16 and he 18. We were together 58 years. It’s like you’re not the same person anymore, half of you is gone.
It’s hard to see a point in things and I miss just being with him. We did everything together.
Coming on here has made me realise I am not alone.

Sorry you qualify for this, but glad you found us. We are all in it together and hope you find some friendship and understanding here. It’s a hell of a qualification that nobody wanted, yet here we are. Xx