So - five years this year that mom died. I finally sold mom and dad’s house six months ago. And since the sale my mind is a mess. It’s like my grieving only started then. Having the house to go back to kept them close - now I have to accept that they’ve really gone.
Feel guilty - I don’t care about the money - I never wanted to live there but how could I let the one thing go that was their dream.
Just want these feelings to go. There is no let up and I just can’t wait to join them. I’m not going to do anything drastic but I’m just counting the days. Does anyone else feel like this?
I’m so sorry for the loss of your parents. Thank you for sharing this with us. I’m just giving your thread a gentle, “bump” for you - hopefully someone will have some thoughts to share.
Hi Allycot,
Like you I sold my mum’s house. I waited 2 years before selling it. I honestly didn’t want to but as the executor of her will I had no choice other than buy my brother and sister out. I was never going to live in the house either and it was my childhood home.
I had decided that I was never going to let it either so as it was approx 40 miles from where I live I was constantly worried someone would break in and I would be faced with that.
In the end it sold and like you I was devastated as I lost the place where I felt the closest to my mum. Even going there without her there was better than nothing and all of a sudden I faced myself like you without it
Before my mum passed she told me to sell the house and not keep it as a shrine or because I wanted to be near her . She told me to hang onto it until I was ready and to go there as often as I wanted but to eventually sell it. She told me she would be with me wherever I went and wouldn’t be at the house anymore. She was adamant her spirit would be with me wherever I would be and she was right. I have felt her presence through signs.
I have kept almost everything from her house. Furniture, clothes and plants so everywhere I look I think of her. For now it’s the next best thing to having her here with me.
I too felt like you did and had wanted to join my mum but I know my mum would have been so cross with me for thinking like that. She was 89 when she died , extremely alert, smart and had a zest for life that outweighs anything I can possibly describe.
Because of what she instilled in me I am going to try so hard to live my life not just for myself but for her too. We did everything together so whatever I go I will do with her. It’s just she’s in a different dimension but still very much with me. That’s the way I am thinking anyway.
I hope you find the strength to carry on.
Sending love
I did same. now i wished i had not but no way i thought i could reside in there after they were gone. not uncommon. but now i wished i had it back, to go “home.”
Hi Allycot,
Aww even if just a tiny bit of what I wrote helps you that will be a good thing.
Keep going because you yourself are worth carrying on for. Your mum is doing everything she can I am sure to urge you on.
Keep posting ok. You will gain so much love and support on here
Sending a big Welsh hug to you x
Deborah x