Still feeling lost

Still feel so lost .my gorgeous fantastic wife sue was and is still the best thing to ever happen to me. Lost sue on the first of February this year due to pancreatic cancer .just feel so alone even though my daughter and family are really helping me. Having days where i do nothing but cry .Having to make myself do things .made sue a promise to carry on being the person she made me into but its getting harder and harder to not give in .but i know its not my time yet to go



You said the words though, the person she made you into. Part of who you are IS your Sue so she is still with you.
It’s very early days yet so don’t beat yourself up about it being so difficult. Crying is both normal and to be expected in my book. I think the reality of it will be hitting now and I know many people seem to find it gets harder as that sinks in.

You WILL do it for your Sue.
Karen xxx


Thank you xx

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That’s what keeps me going, too. Me and my husband were two souls entwined, part of each other. So, even though he has taken away a part of me with him, I still have a part of him. He lives on through me. Perhaps, if we see it this way, we can find a little comfort and hope in our daily struggle.


So sorry for your loss … the person who said it will just be sinking in is right … i think you are in shock to start off with ! I think i was in shock until after funeral and then the pain really came ! Wham ! It was like i was being kicked in the guts !! It was a beautiful funeral but what is not beautiful is the fact i lost my darling, funny, loving husband !!! It damn well sucks ! And im angry about that today !!! :frowning: