Still feels unreal

My husband died 8 weeks ago, at the age of 53, and I still can’t quite believe that I’ll never see him again. My heart aches every time I remember. I’m a teacher and when I opened presents from children at school today, the first thing I thought was that I would show him, then realised I couldn’t. The school holidays start at the weekend and it’s going to be awful.


I’m so sorry that you lost your husband so young and I understand that the holidays looming will be a hard time for you.
I lost my husband aged 56 4 months ago (I’m 52) and we have 4 kids similar ages : 24,21,19 & 16.
Our school holidays started 2 weeks ago and normally we would be away then and return at the weekend just past. Needless to say we haven’t been away as our hearts aren’t in it and it was his birthday last Friday so the recent days have been really tough for us all.
Take some time for yourself to grieve over the holidays - you have been amazing to get back to work ( I haven’t yet)
It’s hard to be in this awful place but lean on those around for support, and post here - it’s really supportive and everyone understands. Look after yourself and be kind. Sadly I don’t have anything to offer that will take the pain and sadness away.
Sending some strength and a hug xx


Hi Nel

So sorry for your loss. When my Mum whom I had nursed for 7 months died after her funeral I drove back home 500 miles and the first thing I did was ring her to tell her I was back home safe and for a few rings I was actually surprised she didn’t pick up! Grief turns us upside down, inside out then does it again and again. I believe that in time we will heal but that process can’t be rushed. Your world right now is an unfamiliar, unsafe one. Take care of yourself and know that people on here do know how you are feeling. So please keep posting. Sending you love and hugs. Xx


Hi Roni

So sad that your story sounds so similar to Nell. I’m sending g you same sentiments I sent to her. Wishing you love on this very hard journey you find yourself on. Hugs to you xx

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Thanks @lulujones33
It really is tough but we are all in similar positions on here.
Taking each day at a time at the moment.
It certainly is a very bumpy ride but there is no choice but to keep trying to go on.
Sending thanks and a hug back xx

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Thank you so much. It’s only when you’re living it that you can understand. Friends try and do what they can, but they’ll never truly understand how it feels, and I hope for their sakes they don’t ever find out. My boys are being incredibly strong, far more than me, and I’m really grateful they are here. They remind me so much of my husband too.
Sending hugs to you for your loss as well. I hope you can find strength and comfort from your children.

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Thank you so much. I’m very sorry for your loss too. It’s so hard when you’re used to telling someone every little detail to suddenly not be able to do that. Sending hugs and strength.

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Thank you. We are all in this together just at different places on our own journeys but I get comfort from this forum

Love and hugs. Xx

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So sorry for your loss. I’m almost 15 months in and still can’t believe I’ll never see him again :broken_heart:
We all here are going through the same sad and horribly lonely journey :broken_heart:.
Sending love & hugs x

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