Still missing my husband

Thank you it looks as though she is going to get good weather too as it has to be nice and warm from the weekend. I know it isn’t one of the main cities but I can’t remember the town they live in. That is problem with always using email. I see her mum once a month for coffee too since my husband died. Social worker was very nice and it was just to check on things re some changes with supplier etc. Hope your day has been okay. Take care. X

Good that you got the social service meeting over and are pleased with the result. Was your father content too?
It has been a busy day with teaching and houseworking afterwards. The sun has gone down and it is predictably cold.
Your Australian friend will notice the difference in temperature that is certain.
I hope you have had a better day.

Hi just to say hello and hope you are okay. My friend lives outside Brisbane and has been cold since she arrived. It was good to see her and her mum although I do see her mum regularly. How are you doing? Take care Ev xx

Having a bad few weeks so this evening I have been reading massages posted over the past few months and once again I don’t feel that what I am going though is any different to most of you. You think it is going to get better and you do have days that are and then its back to the black hole feeling and don’t know how to fight it. I feel that this is what it will always be like but other people seem to get over their loss. Well, tomorrow’s another day.

I know exactly what you mean. Last few weeks have been bad I guess because the first anniversary is looming and I feel I’ve gone back in time. Tears seem to have a mind of their own and spill out anytime. Anxiety attacks and guilt, things I could have or should have done. I thought I couldn’t live without John but I had no idea just how grief would really affect me. Thinking of you. Libby x

Hi mum. I am so sorry you are having such a bad time just now. It doesn’t matter whether it is no different to us, and in many ways it will be similar, it only matters that you are going through a bad time and we want to support you. We all gain by supporting each other and just knowing we are not alone. If people get over it quicker it could be because their relationship was different. I know someone who is very over it but her relationship was very different to what I had. I should envy her now but I don’t. There is nothing I can say but you will find coping gets a bit easier and you will finds way to help with this. Follow your instincts and try something - if it doesn’t work who cares after what we have been through it can’t be any worse and try something else. Just little things. It is just over two years and I still struggle - especially now when my friends are all going away in their caravans and I have so many memories. Take care. Xx

Hello all,

This conversation has been quiet for a little while, how are you all getting along?

I wonder if anyone feels strong enough to reply a new member today? KandL has just joined and lost her husband only five days ago: