Still scared of being on my own after two years

Two years on from losing my hubby I feel more scared of being on my own than I did when I first lost him.
Will it ever get any easier ?


I thought that after first anniversary (last week) that things would improve,. They seem to be getting worse and I have spent most of the day crying. I’m really not sure how to get out of this continual grief
Love Nala xx


Bless you. There’s no rhyme or reason to it is there?
I guess we’ll all have periods when we seem to be coping and then other times when it’s just awful.
I’ve talked to various other widows from a friend who lost her hubby 4 years ago to my sister who lost her husband 8 years ago and another friend who lost hers 12 years ago and they all say the same. That you never get over it and they all have days when they feel tearful and overwhelmed still but those days get fewer and you do learn to live with the grief. I’m trying to remember that when I have particularly bad weeks.
Sending love and good wishes to you.

The first anniversary of John’s death last week too, and I spent the whole week doing very little apart from crying; it got to me far more than anticipated.


I feel I need to get the house in order after grief recently has met everything slip too far really. Lack of energy really and motivation
I don’t know where to start. But know I must.
It is always the same. Wash. Up, make bed,put stuff away, wipe around, do sinks, sweep up, wash floor, out washing machine on, get food ready, the out rubbish, clean what screams at me the most. Still I haven’t made a dent in it. I recall an old lady saying before she died that it takes all the time to just to live. She was right. Getting myself looking even presentable takes longer. Everything takes longer.


Everything takes so much longer when you do it yourself. Still having bad day though have tried to keep busy. I thought I was going to be better entering year 2 but feel everything is so final now . Googled 2nd year after bereavement and there was lots of info saying lots of people find year 2 even harder. Oh dear not another year of feeling like this. Lots of hugs to everyone and thank you for your support xxx

The other thing I’ve found after a year is that he seems so far away now, which is heartbreaking in itself. The first few weeks are diabolical, but you have such a clear image still of them. But the months blur the edges of your memory, which I find very hard.

Yes I am finding this too, it’s difficult to imagine him living in the house with me now. However, I keep remembering how we first met and that is all very clear, I have very detailed diaries from that time and am obsessed by reading them over and over again xxx

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Me too; keep going over the first time we met.

I am so reassured that the same is happening to you. All my memories are of the distant past. I am struggling to remember the last 3,months of his life which were so awful. xxx

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I’ve got very vivid memories of the last month before he died, because I spent every waking moment worrying myself sick about him. But memories before that are becoming vague, like a ghost fading from my life. Things I remember him doing are more the fact than the memory; I know he did x or y, but the actual image is disappearing.

I feel the same, I lost my dear wife in July 2022, and I still feel so lost and alone