Still unable to cope

Lost my husband of 35 years in June 2018 and i’m still unable to get over losing him. Had help from family and friends but when they’re not around I break down in tears, not wanting to eat and have no interest in anything. I’m putting on a brave face painting on the smile for others but underneath I’m dead

Oh lynnj I do so know what you mean brave face painted smile I lost my husband in July and I just feel so empty inside, and I can never ever see that changing however many years I have left without him,
Have you got someone who you can just sit down with and talk about your husband too, hope someone on here can help you more just wanted to say we are hear to help if we can, its helped me so much reading the posts afraid I’m not good at giving advice take care linda

All of us, do understand what you are going through, Lynn, it is absolute agony, I hope you will continue to visit this group, the people here are wonderful.
Welcome to the group.

I can’t contemplate life without Rob.It was a lonely Christmas without him although I went to a neighbours for lunch,I had to come back to an empty bungalow.I know it’s only been 7 weeks and very early days,my mind is all over the place.I’ve never known such loneliness.We had so many plans for the future.Thank goodness for my 2 cats,they have kept me going!

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