
I lost my lovely,beautiful baby girl. She was our first child. We had been trying for a few years and I was finally able to get Pregnant. Earlier on I was told there were complications with the baby’s kidneys but I never gave up hope. Until she was born but no heartbeat,no sign of life last week

How utterley heartbreaking for you. I am so sorry and hope that you have some loving support around you.
Sending you live. Xx

Sending you love. X

Thanks for your kind words. I do have family support. Although it’s sometimes difficult to talk to them. As they also find it too painful

It’s sometimes easier to speak with others. It’s a difficult time to get through. As each day passes I still think what if she was alive. I would be looking after her,feeding her all the things I never got a chance to do. Instead I had to face the difficulties of burying my baby. It felt as though I was burying a piece of myself and don’t know how I managed it. Obviously I had my family around me to support me on the saddest day of my life.