Storm Eunice

My son was killed 5 weeks ago tomorrow aged 23 whilst out working in Storm Eunice. A tree fell on his truck and killed him instantly. I am beside myself, my head is so full of emotion, some days I feel like I am going mad. He was my only child and has a 19 month old boy. Night times and first thing in the morning are the worst. I miss very much, he still lived at home and the longest I have been away from him ever is 2 weeks. The pain is totally unbearable.


My dear @Teresaw,

I am so sorry- what happened to you is unspeakably dreadful. I wish I could say words of comfort- but all I can say is, you have come to the right place. Here, we understand and we care about each other. Many of us post when it all gets too much or when we see a message and have thoughts to share. Somehow in the mix, we find support and connection. Grief counselling can help. Talking about your son could be helpfu,l too. This pain is vast. Somehow we learn to live with it, but this takes a long time. Hold tight, my friend and know you have a family here that is with you.


Dear Teresawhite

I’m so very sorry you’ve lost your son. So shocking to lose a child but surely compounded by such a freak accident.

I lost my younger son in October 2919. Shortly after his 30th birthday. His name is Henry. It was so unexpected.

The grief and shock are huge…absolutely unfathomable how you will survive but you will my friend. Take each hour at a time….do you want have family and friends supporting you?

Try to rest and meditate to control the runaway panic and shock.

The people on this site are amazing- you will have support every day.

I’m sending you love and a hug. I’m so desperately sorry you’ve joined us here.

Purple x


Its is hard and I understand what it feels like loosing a child.It is very unfair.I lost my 24 years old son 7 weeks ago.I have locked his room since then and can’t look his pics.Life is cruel


I too …lost my Son on the day of Storm Eunice…I am heartbroken and i do not know how to carry on without him……he also had a small child. I never ever thought something like this would happen…I feel so lost and each day when I wake up…he is the first thing on my mind…
my husband seems to be coping better than me and is carrying on and keeping busy while I just spend hours thinking about my beautiful boy…he was a man and yet still my child and I loved him so much…he was hard working and worked away quite a lot so I should be used to him being not here as my life has not changed but, I just don’t have him ringing me or sending a funny text…so,lost…x

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So sorry for your loss, I still can’t believe it. Nights are the worst amd waking up in the morning realising that it isnt a dream. You don’t ever think something like this happens to you. I too am so lost and miss him so souxh x

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Thank you…the winds came and they were gone…and you say it just as it is…another restless night for us…another day waking up without them. I do know someone else that lost their son last year…he was much younger and I sent messages to her at the time and can remember thinking…how does she cope…and now it has happened to me and our family and you.
Why did this have to happen to us. Why did this awful pain get put into us?
The lady I know messaged me and I asked her…the question…how do you go on?
She said …you try and push yourself to get up and have a shower and get dressed in the first instance …it can take ages to even get to this point but, if you do that…try and call it a good day. Then she said to try and add one more thing into a day……each day…and write it down and keep a note of the fact that you have done 1, 2 or 3 things and not sat all day…which is what I have been doing for the past almost 6 weeks or however, long it has been…life has been a blur since he died. So am trying that this week…on Monday…I cleaned half of my little kitchen tops and fronts …on Tuesday my husband took me to the Dentist and yesterday I went out for my first walk where I live…which was so hard but, I did it with help from a lovely person and then I cleaned the other half of the kitchen. I know my Son would not want me to spend the rest of my life being so sad and miserable but, I really cannot function properly and when I do anything I feel guilty for doing normal everyday things. I have to carry on for the rest of my family but, it is so hard. I know you will be feeling as I do and I want you to know I am thinking of you. X

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Hi my dear ladys .what your going through is hell on earth no one expects this to happen .im so deeply sorry for your the shock .its a trauma your in shock .i lost sam april 27th .4 months sarcoma a rare cancer he was gone .just had his 25 th birthday . The sadness is like a rollercoaster of emotions .give your selfs time .this site has helped me through so many dark nights .look after yourselfs best you can and come on and say anything . Theres loads topics on here loss son at 27 .loads people on there going through different stages of this terrible loss . Take care much love zoe xx