Hi, I’m pleased you’ve had some visitors today. Even a short visit can make a difference. My son stayed with me for a couple of hours and took me shopping. I’m only 9 weeks from that dreadful day, so I haven’t cleared many of my husbands thigs yet except for some shoes that were new. I don’t know when I’ll be able to clear his clothes. there are a couple of things that I will keep forever though. Enjoy your evening. I ll be keeping the telly company !! X
Me too with the telly. Just a short visit by neighbour but she is coming back tomorrow. Another neighbour comes in on a Sunday to make sure I have managed to put all the rubbish out and move my bins to the kerb. Had to clear as much of my husbands clothes as I could whilst my relatives were with me immediately after he died as I would not have been physically capable. Seven bags of his clothes went to the charity shops. Now only his suits left in the wardrobe. He had seven brand new shirts still in the wrapping. Shoes that had never been worn. Things had to be moved so that I could reach them. There are still things I can’t get to which will probably stay where they are until I go. Xx
Sophie, the chubby one, sleeps on my bed at night and has started getting closer eventually trying to sleep on me, I guess she must be getting a bit cooler. The other one, Elphaba, sleeps on the comfy chairs in the conservatory but comes upstairs once she’s decided she’s hungry!