
Stressed tonight feeling extra emotional because my partner isn’t here to give me a
Reassurance cuddle… my poor
Doggie got attacked yesterday went to the vets he had to have the bite wounds flushed and stitched… he has been so stressed out today back to emergency vets tonight he has a secondary infection they have sedated him. Then back to the vets tomorrow… why is everything that much harder to deal with :((


So sorry about your dog, I completely understand,I lost my brother last year and finding it hard, my dog was also very poorly last week had to be hospitalised I was beside myself and it brought everything back with my brother , it’s so hard when you need that extra cuddle or hug from someone to tell you it’s going to be ok, I hope your dog gets better soon ,sending you a virtual hug :hugs:

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Thankyou he is slowly on the mend I’ve been to the emergency vets three times this week stitches opened ect…
I hope your doggie is okay too
Sending hugs back

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So sorry for the loss of your brother :frowning:
So hard when our close family members go I only have my sister left on my side lost my mum and dad in there 60s
I’m 60 next year scares Tue daylights out of me…

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Glad he’s slowly getting better, mine dog is doing great now thank you. Yes I was 60 last year, I hate getting older it scares me as well, but got to make the best of things and try and carry on. Take care ,

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