
Hi, I’m new to it here as I’m just looking for a bit of advise and guidance.
I loss my partner (27) of 9 years together 2 months ago very sudden in a tragic accident at work leaving myself (26) and our 2 very young children (3&4). I’m completely at a stand still. I was very busy in the weeks/month after his death sorting things out planning the funeral and being mummy but the days are so long now and playing mummy sometimes is very hard on my own. Christmas is not long away and iv tried to keep it as normal and magical for the kids as possible but it’s hard. Every day it’s getting tougher. I just want to be on my own and sob all the time but I can’t because something needs doing or the kids need me it’s so hard to grieve. I’m so young but yet feel like the world is on my shoulders. Emotions are running high a lot recently more than before. I just don’t know how I’m mean to carry on I know I will for the kids but I think I’m just functioning in auto pilot.

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@Bethany11 I’m so terribly sorry for your loss. All of us on here can REALLY feel your pain as we are all in the same boat. It must be dreadfully hard for you with two young children and Christmas coming up. Have you any family or friends that could maybe have your children for the odd day so you can collect your thoughts and have some ‘you’ time? Keep posting and reading on this forum. I’ve found it an enormous help knowing that I’m not on my own in my grief as twisted as that may sound and everyone is so lovely and understanding. I’m sending you a great big cuddle xx.

My heart fills with love for you such a young age.can you not reach out to ur his parents… I know that’s no consolation. You just want him…the first step in this journey I believe is acceptance which is the hardest and pray you will find peace

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