Struggling loss of grandson

We lost our grandson who lives with us with our daughter and other grandchildren, he was only 12.
He went to the bathroom and collapsed and died instantly.
He wasn’t poorly, had no illness whatsoever.
This was only 5 weeks ago I can’t get my head around the coroner coming back with no cause.
It’s not natural for his little body to just give up.
My daughter is being remarkably strong yet myself and my husband are falling apart

I am so sorry for you and your family,it is hard to know why these things happen. So many things happen for no reason at all. But I am sending you all my love and best wishes.:heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart:

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Hi @Wend11

I can see you’re new to the community and I’m so sorry to hear about the loss of your grandson that brings you here. Everything must feel very upsetting and confusing right now as you try to navigate this pain with the rest of your family.

Sue Ryder offers a range of free online bereavement support including this community and you can find out more on our website at Sue Ryder’s Online Bereavement Support | Sue Ryder

I also wanted to share some other resources and organisations that you and your family may find helpful:

The Compassionate Friends support families who have lost a child of any age. You can call them on 0345 123 2304

I really hope you find the community helpful and a good source of support and I also hope you feel you can access more support should you need it.

Thank you again for sharing – please keep reaching out and know that you are not alone.

Take care,

Sue Ryder Online Community team

Thank you so much, I’m really struggling at the minute and just really can’t get my head round the fact he’s gone and especially not having a reason it makes no sense

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