Struggling to cope with grief

I lost my mum in January 2020 to cancer. It was all very sudden and happen with in a few months.
Recently I’ve been struggling to cope with grief more than before. As more time goes on it seems to get more difficult.
I find it hard to speak to friends about it as they don’t fully understand because they haven’t been through anything like this themselves.
I’ve never seemed help for this before and I’m a bit nervous writing this on here.
I’m looking for a bit of support and help from others that have gone through a similar situation.


Hi Robyn, I’m sorry to hear about the death of your Mum, you’ve come to the right site for support, everybody on here has been through a bereavement and knows just how you feel, for some reason, people think that you should be over the death of a loved one, after a certain amount of time and then return to how you were before, the reality is that life never goes back to how it was before, you gradually start to be able to cope and things do get easier over time, you might benefit from some counselling, your GP can refer you, or you could contact CRUSE or Sue Ryder both of which have this service. Sending love Jude xx

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Thank you for your kind message Jude.
It is very hard to deal with and sometimes talking to friends doesn’t help as they don’t fully understand what you are going through.
It’s good to know sue Ryder have the counselling service I will definitely look into that, I think it could really help. Xx

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