Hi Nancy123
It seems like anything can go wrong and it is it probably feels like the world is against you i had a similar issue when i had to change the name on household bills because my lovely wife took care of all that what a nightmare i wrote it all down and ticked it off each time ask someone for help a good friend or even a family member and just remember a problem shared is a problem halved. Good luck
Take a deep breath and maybe leave sorting it for a day and sleep on it then try and get it resolved slowly slowly day by day steps remember
I’ve been doing everything by myself pretty much. I have good friends in another state, but they have their own stuff to deal with. I make lists and even double lists. I’m very organized thankfully and pretty resourceful overall. Yes, a problem shared does seem to help! Thank you for your ideas.
Your welcome i know it seems daunting but you will get them all sorted .
Good luck
Yes it is hard love. I still haven’t got round to phoning virgin. I’m still waiting on his pensions getting sorted out and at the moment I haven’t got the heart to phone and press half a dozen numbers before you actually get through to a human being!! The thing is I hate feeling like this and I’ve been told I should not beat myself up. Just day by day. You’ll do it love same as I will. When? Now that’s a different matter. X
Theres a simple answer to your query as to when the answer is when your good and ready
Yes. I’m gonna start saying that to myself, “When I’m good and ready.” I tend to push myself too hard.
Hi Nancy 123
Your right we all tell ourselves that where gonna do this and gonna do that and before you know it you’ve overloaded yourself i know its easy done but dont be to hard on yourself take as much time as you need theres no time limit on it so all in your own time
All this really resonates, almost text book, from Virgin Media to all the utilities and further. I have had a covert stammer all my life which is really having to step up to the plate’ with all the telephone communications. Kitchen table is awash with files of administration dealing with daily or equally putting off daily. I feel like a student of life’ now doing homework. Somewhere between having everything to do for the first time and nothing to do because it all feels pointless. Something else new today too: I sneezed and realised there was no one present to bless me, even though he wasn’t religious. The small things
Yes it is the little things you miss. Besides all the turmoil of finance having to sort out. Every time I went out my partner would never to phone or text me at least half dozen times! It was a joke between us. Now when I’m out of I get a message or call my heart thuds. Asking me where’s this and that. The smallest things we’d give our own lives just to have it for 5mins more. Bit of a sad day. I’m sorry folks. Xx
Yes, a student of life doing homework. Like in a jungle w/out a flashlight at times.
Hi Pooka1968
I know its daunting for you believe me i had to do it all my wife we used to laugh i would call her my PA but its unreal until you have to do it to realise how easy weve had it .
But i will say this as sickoning as it was at the time i felt proud of myself when i had done it all .One of the hardest things for me was writing out cards for birthdays and Christmas,s and having to put from Grandad and Guardian Angel Grandma i had a tattoo of wings put on my back and told the grandchildren that Grandma watches from the stars and Grandad will watch them down here we spoke and text on the phone every day loads of times. .
All so painfully familiar. I have however become brilliant at moving things from one pile to another!
Not quite so good at anything else though. At 2pm I found myself in the car outside the Crematorium, where I’d been 4 weeks ago, crying my eyes out and talking to Jill.
I’m having one too. We all do. Don’t apologise, just get through it as best you can.
You will find that it becomes a place of comfort where you can have a good cry and talk to her dont forget she might not be here in body but shes always in your thoughts and your heart. Take care
I had a tree planted in the crematorium so the family and friends could go and put flowers or keepsafes and chat with her.
Yes totally so well said i feel exactly like that keeps hitting me over and over … only been 2 months but seems like a lifetime already …miss him so much x
@PSHm3 As you say, it’s like loosing them over and over again, you have an ok day, not good but ok, and then it suddenly hits you and your back to square one, each time as hard as the first.
Take care all, xx