Struggling to cope

Hi. I lost my partner of 10 years and the father of my 2 children aged 7 and 10 years 6 months ago.
He died in his sleep following suffering from an epileptic seizure, he suffered from epilepsy. He was in his mum’s house that night and she found him deceased in the morning in the bed. He was only 47 years, I am 43 years and I have struggled to cope and accept that he is gone since. He was an amazing dad. He adored the kids and they adored him. His death came very unexpected and was a shock as he was fit and healthy apart from suffering from his condition, epilepsy. I miss him terribly. I can not get over the fact that he died so young and in particular I get so sad that he will not be around to see his young children grow up and miss out on all they will achieve in life. I have great support from family and friends and have been receiving councelling. Yet I feel so lonely and feel that nobody can understand how it feels to experience such trauma unless you have experienced it yourself. I find it so hard to see other children around dads as I all I want is him being back with us. I hope things will get easier with time. I feel that I have lost a part of me and will need to rebuild a new me.

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I’m sorry to you had to join this club that no one wants to be in. My partner was 49. The struggle of losing someone so young is real and like you, so unexpected.
Hopefully being on this site will help you, as it has helped so many people. We all do truly understand how you feel.
I’m nearly 8 months in and yes, rebuilding a new life is a good step forward but it’s hard letting the old life go.

Keep reaching out on here as there are many in your situation x


Sorry to hear of your loss of your husband so young. Looking after yourself and your young children will be challenging and u hope you have great family and friends support. Losing your partner solemate is so hard but taking 1hr at a time day by day is what to aim for my husband passed 13 weeks ago and some days are worst than others but so far i have managed another day. I got through our wedding anniversary which would have been 36 years on my own it was hard. Please keep posting as people on this site know what it is we are going through and hopefully some positively from others will help ease your pain.
Take care
Lynne x


Thank you for jour reply, I am so sorry for your loss too.
You are right, it is so hard to let the old life go. I just want my old life back and keep thinking why me, what have I done to deserve this. I take one day at the time and talking to others that have experienced the same thing helps.

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No problem
Keep posting talking hopefully the support you receive here helps and you realise you are not alone everyone has a similar experience they are going through and puttibg down your feelings helps you in time.
Take care
Lynne x

I’m so sorry you’ve lost your soulmate in the prime of life. I don’t know what to say to you apart From you are in the right place. You’re here and you will get the support you need to make it through. Each day is a new battle won, you are strong ( in the broken places too) and you will emerge from this pain whole again, a new whole but whole just the same. I truly believe this and my belief is getting me through. There’s a good article on here about how we incorporate our greif that right now devours us, into a new whole. We don’t get rid of our loss but it becomes part of a bigger whole. Perhaps someone will remember the price of writing I’m talking about, it’s really interesting, perhaps it would help you