Struggling to cope

My wonderful dad died 11 days ago after an 18 month battle with cancer. We knew it would happen and, towards the end, we knew it would be soon, but nothing prepared me for the heartbreak I am now feeling. I have a lovely, supportive husband who does everything he can to help but the pain in unbearable; please help me.

I have lost both my parents, my mum in June 2015 to cancer and dad in June 2016 to kidney and heart problems!

It’s not easy and there will be a lot of bumps in the road. Everyone copes differently but it’s such hard work.

I found that taking it day by day in the early stages, then week by week and then month by month.

Take all the support you can from the people around you and they will help you through.

Don’t be ashamed of having complete meltdowns or being happy and laughing!

There is a light at the end of the tunnel but it takes time and have to go with the flow and find you’re own way of grieving!