Struggling to cope

I lost my mum in April this year and since then have been stuggling to cope.
Exactly a year ago we found she had renal cancer, which she fought and won, then had a heart attack in February. While in hospital she contracted pneumonia and she couldnt fight it any more. She was not only my mum but my best friend. Never a day went by where I didn’t see or speak to her at least once.
I lost my dad to dementia on 29/12/13. I thought watching him being stripped of who he was was hard but now losing mum too makes it impossible.
I have 4 beautiful girls and they have kept me going to this point but now im just letting them down too and can’t help but think they’d be better off without me as I’m no use to them.
Christmas was mum’s favourite time of year and without her it just won’t be the same

Hello Zoe77,

Welcome to this community. I am so very sorry to hear that you lost your mum in April this year and your dad in 2013. It’s completely understandable that you’re struggling to cope at the moment after two very significant losses.

You mention that you have 4 beautiful girls who kept you going - do you have any other form of support at the moment? A close friend or family member perhaps? It’s important to have someone to talk to, whether that’s someone close to you or even your GP.

It’s normal to sometimes feel that you’re letting people down - many others in this community have said similar things - but I would encourage you to seek some support if you find these thoughts become overwhelming.

Keep talking to us here for as long as it helps and don’t hesitate to let me know if there’s anything I can do to support you.

Take care,