Struggling to grieve properly

Hi, I’m new here and thought this would be the place to get everything out.
My beloved mum died very suddenly and unexpectedly in August. It was a huge shock to me and my siblings. I ended up being the one to deal with everything, dealing with the police, the coroner, the bank, utilities, the funeral director all of it. My sister went to stay with our dad a couple of hours away and my brother stayed there too. They were both given time and space to grieve for 2 weeks.
I didn’t get that as I have a disabled husband and a neurodivergent child to take care of. I haven’t had much support from others and I’ve just had to get on with everything.
I’ve cried daily but I’m not really processing anything or dealing with her death.
Im not close to my dad, my mum was my go to person.
I don’t really know what I hope to get from this post but i just needed to get it out.
Thanks for reading


Hi @Amethyst I know how hard it is to be the one to have to deal with it all, the funeral, plans, arrangements, contacting and notifying people and agencies etc, it is a lot. I was left to do that for my mum as her next of kin. I had no other family support apart from my husband. It is a really lonely place to be. I think it’s okay that you are still processing everything, it will probably take a while to come to terms with everything. I lost my mum start of September and I’m really still in shock. I am barely beginning to contemplate everything. I am just crying and grieving and having to carry on and deal with everything. It’s alot. I get it. Take care. You’re not alone on here x

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