I lost my Nan on 25th November 2022. It was very sudden and unexpected. I spoke to her on the phone that morning and an hour or so later my mum called me to say my Nan had had a cardiac arrest and was being worked on. I rushed to her house as quickly as i could and witnessed the ambulance crew performing cpr. They worked on my Nan for about an hour but unfortunately they could not bring her back. My mum and i held her hand when they stopped cpr. I then sat with my nan for 3 hours until the funeral directors came and got her.
I was extremely close to my Nan. I was with her every single morning and spoke to her over text or phonecall constantly. Our bond was like no other. I am struggling so much with her passing. I am not sleeping and just continously playing over that day in my head. I dont know how to cope with the grief i am going through and the traumatic events of that day.
Thank you for reading x
Dear @Kayleigh19
I am so sorry to hear of the loss of your nan.
I can see that you’re new to the community. I hope you find the community to be a support and comfort to you.
I can see that your loss is very recent. Grief is a rollercoaster of emotions with good days and bad days. It is a journey to taken at your pace, it is not a race.
I want to share a few resources with you that may help you right now.
- self-help platform which has information, resources and advice to help you through your grief Our Grief Guide 1
- Our Grief Coach text service, which sends you personalised text support via SMS
- Our free Online Bereavement Counselling which is held via video chat
- Our Bereavement Information 1 pages which can walk you through what you are going through .
It may also be a good idea to make an appointment with your GP so you can see what kind of support they can offer you right now if you have not done so already.
Thank you for reaching out, you are alone and we the Community are all here to support you.
Take care of yourself.
You are still in shock, l have lost two people in my family without warning my daughter at 22 and in June my husband from a massive heart attack.
I fall to sleep eventually but wake up in the middle of the night reliving both my husband and daughters death.
When I am at work I am tired but l need work to keep me going, I try and be kind to myself and have power naps when I can .
Usually after tea. I know l am still in shock and only time will allow me to come to terms with what has happened to my family.
So my heart goes out to you and remember you are not alone xxx
Thank you everyone for your kind words. I am still in shock, and am also waking multiple times in the night reliving what has happened. I am making the step of contactinf my doctors tomorrow for some help. Sending love to you all x
Hi Kayleigh, firstly I am so very sorry for your loss.
I too was extremely close with my Nan and she passed away in my arms New Year’s Eve. I too am constantly replaying the moment and struggling with the total and utter heartbreak. I have also come here for some kind of help or guidance as I am totally lost and broken
@Kerri1 i am so so sorry. please try and take comfort that you are not alone. I am trying to remind myself that there are other people grieving the same as me. Im lucky to have a lot of people around me but its so easy to feel lonely, especially as my nan was just a part of every minute of my day. If we werent together we were texting or talking over the phone. Please also try and take comfort in that she wasnt alone and you were with him. Im also trying to think this way that i was with my nan and i pray she knew that. I am here, maybe us going through very similar we can help each other? X
Hi @Kayleigh19 i know exactly what you mean by feeling lonely even though you are surrounded by people. I too was extraordinarily close with my Nan. I know they would want us to go on with our lives but, it’s just feeling impossible right now xx
@Kerri1 my children are helping me to carry on but its so hard especially as they are grieving for her too. We need to give ourselves time and not rush ourselves xx
My daughter is only 2 so doesn’t understand what’s happened. Like you say, they give you a reason to carry on don’t they.
I do feel like I just want to lay in bed and hide from the world but at the same time I can’t sleep x
@Kerri1 My daughters are 8 and 6 and my little boy is 14 months. My eldest has taken it hard, she was also extremely close with my nan. Im the same, i cant face getting up each day but also cannot sleep. I have nightmares multiple times a night xx
I was still awake at 4am this morning, then when I did drift off I had nightmares too. I guess it all takes time xx
I lost my Nan on Friday. I’m devastated and I can’t sleep. I’m so sorry for your loss.
We lost ours Saturday night. I just don’t know where to begin in dealing with it xx
So hard isn’t it. I feel like I’m supposed to stay brave for everyone else x
Just read your post and so sorry for your loss. You must be hurting and sounds like you went though so much at the time of losing your Nan and since. We share similar things in a certain closeness with our Nans although I know every relationship is also different too. My Nan passed suddenly in August and only hours before I was chatting to her normally then my mum phoned to say she was on the floor. I rushed to her just a few doors away although she was DNR so I knew I couldn’t do anything as it would go against her wishes. That was so hard as believed I could bring her back and obviously so wanted to. I begged her to talk to me but she didn’t and I had to hold Nan until the ambulance and then coroner arrived. I miss her too much every day and this evening like many other evenings so needed to talk to her and that pain is just unbearable. Thoughts with you.
I’m so sorry for your loss I also lost my gran 26 yrs ago it’s still raw for me , she was more like my mum , we did most things together , go on trips I even joined her domino’s team,whenever I talk about her I can’t help but sob, miss her so much
So sorry for your loss too. It’s hard isn’t it and I don’t think there is a time when the loss doesn’t hurt. I’m trying to remember that because the attachment and love was so strong, offers a reason for such bereavement and this provides some comfort. The missing her and not being able to see Nan is an everyday thing although I’m trying to find some positivity especially by thinking that she’d be saying don’t keep being sad and you’ll be okay. It doesn’t take away the feelings of sadness although maybe helps a little at times! Do you have ways of coping?
I practically grew up around her , whenever I needed her she was there , when passed just kept saying it’s a dream il wake up soon , I’m thankful my daughter got to meet her and grew up to 6 but after that she can’t remember much at all , she was more like a mum to me my mum couldn’t be bothered with me , where as my gran would stop everything for me , when start talking about her I end up sobbing , I do remember the good times when I’m having a bad day I distract myself with a hobby that my gran taught me , crochet
Hi I’m so sorry to read all your stories, they were amazing people. I lost my nan suddenly just over a year ago at 92 yrs old. She hadn’t been ill as such but had suffered a few falls over the years due to age and mobility. She got up one day, got dressed, sat down to have a cuppa then gone, she just fell asleep. It hit us all hard, as it was not expected. We are just getting used to her not being here, guiding us with her wit, sarcasum and a sharper tongue than anyone I know.