Struggling with loss

I lost my Mum on 1st January 2020, and then my husband had a Stroke one week after my Mother’s Funeral on the 9th Feb, and then on 31st Oct 2020 my Brother passed away in Brasil after it had taken me 43 yrs to find him, thanks to our parents, and I just cannot move on, I am drinking too much so that I can sleep and stop my brain working, I am so broken hearted that I do not know what to do to move on!! I realise I am destroying myself but cannot stop!!


Hi @M43axbra, welcome to the community.

I’m so sorry to read about your losses, it must be very difficult to deal with so much upset in such a short space of time.

Have you considered talking to your GP for support? There may well be better ways of dealing with this trauma than self-medicating as you are, and counselling will be available to you if you want it. There may also be Bereavement groups in your area, that you GP will be able to put you in touch with.

Sue Ryder have recently launched a Grief Self-Help Service which has useful resources and tools to help you cope with bereavement and grief. It would be worth having a look as the information is very supportive.

If you are interested Sue Ryder offers a free Counselling Service . There is a waiting list but you can register online and then you will be invited to book an assessment.

Grieving has no time limits so please do not put pressure on yourself to ‘move on’. Everyone reacts differently and at different times to grief. Most of the services and support groups listed above will be able to help you with coping strategies during this difficult time.

Please continue to reach out to our community here at Sue Ryder; you will find others who have been on a similar journey to you and will be more than happy to help.

Incidentally, I have changed the title of this discussion to protect your identity, I hope that’s ok.

Take care

Online Community team

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