Struggling with the loss of my Mam

Hello, I am new to all of this so not sure how it works, all I know is that I am struggling. BIG. I lost my Mam last month and she was literally my everything. I saw her everyday and spoke to her multiple times a day. She was there for me when I had all of my children and I am really struggling not being able to see her, text her. I find myself multiple times a day attempting to text her about my day studying as a nurse as she was so proud of me for doing it. I know people say that in time the pain will go but for now the pain is so real and I find myself struggling to get out of bed. I just don’t know what to do.

Rant over.

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Dear Sad1991,

It sounds like you and your mum had such a great relationship. She must also have been such a big support to you. I read in your profile that you have 3 children and are training to be a nurse. That must be quite a challenge.

I can so understand that you are struggling with her loss. It is still early days for you and I know from experience how much it can hurt to realise you can no longer just phone your mum and talk with her. Yes, the pain will gradually become less intense, but knowing that does not help you in the here and now, when it is a struggle to even get out of bed.

Do you have anyone you can share your feelings with and who can support you?

It is good that you have joined this online community. I hope that it will help you to read the posts and replies from others who have lost their mums. There are no easy answers. If you don’t know what to do, just try to prioritise and do today what needs to be done today, and leave the rest undone. Easier said than done, but grieving does take a lot of energy.

Take care and be kind to yourself.