Struggling with the loss of my mum, after caring for her.

I lost my mum last month and am struggling so much, some days it’s hard to breathe. During her last year she had Alzheimer’s and Vascular Dementia and she lived with us. Her final 7 weeks were spent in a beautiful care home in her home town. I saw her practically everyday and made sure she knew how much I loved her. Her loss was very sudden and I just can’t comprehend what happened. She died of sepsis and we didn’t even know she was unwell. I miss her so very much.


Hi Hdlen941
I am so sorry about your mum.Its heartbreaking. I lost my mum last Dec and she was my best friend Also.Youvdid everything you could got her and you should be proud of yourself in every way possible.
Small steps each day now ok to go through this awful grief
Deborah x

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I’m really sorry about your mum. I lost my mum too this year aged 90 in a care home. She died of chest infection along with other health problems. It is so very hard without them. We are all on this difficult journey. Sending you hugs. Message me if you want to chat any time. xxx

Thank you Deborah, hugs to you too X

I’m so sorry for your loss too. Thank you for reaching out and likewise here if you need to talk. X

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