Struggling without my husband

I know I’m not the only person going through the most terrible time by any means. I hope in time I will build a new life and hope I’ll be lucky a second time and meet someone as good as Dave was, I’m only 57 and don’t want to spend the rest of my days alone, I know Dave wouldn’t want me to and would want me to be happy. As you say at the minute that all seems impossible and out of reach, but hopefully in time something good will come from this.xx


I think I know what you are feeling. My husband died on 26th June this year. Like you his original diagnosis could have taken him at any time but things seemed stable. Because he had a very low immune system he picked up an infection which led to pneumonia and the hospital could do no more him. They couldn’t get lines in because his veins had collapsed. I wasn’t ready and am absolutely devastated. He lost his first wife in 2012 and we’d been married almost 10 years. We did everything together and I don’t know how I can face the future without him. I know he would want me to carry on and live my life but that’s easy to say, not so easy to do.


I am 59 andlike yourself i hope in time i will find someone who loves me like Gra did i cant imagine facing the rest of my life alone. I hopecwe all find our own happiness eventually. Whatever that means. At the moment i see very little for my future. Xxx


Yeh im with you there … it will be different but we deserve some happiness - we not done anything wrong … its just crap what life has thrown at us !!! xxx


I am hoping so this pain is so unbearable sometimes i feel i cant breathe.all i want is my life back where i had a purpose. Xxx


Aww Harriet, I wasn’t ready either. My partner got an infection which sped up his decline and then suddenly he was dead. I’m not sure how I’ll carry on with my life. It’s so hard isn’t it?? Never thought I’d find myself in this position. I still can’t believe it all happened. Sending you love and support💞