Struggling without you My Love

I can’t do this without you Andy. You are my everything. Where are you my Love.
Sometimes I feel you with me, it feels so good, but it doesn’t last.
Not having your Love and guidance brings to my knees, on the floor sobbing and racked with excruciating pain.
You are my everything, without you I am nothing. I feel so empty and alone.
How the hell am I supposed to exist without you.
Nothing I do, no matter how positive I try to be, it can’t bring you back. Nothing eases the loss of you. Nothing ever can. So how can I carry on without you my Love.
The truth is that I don’t know how much more of this I can take. How much more can I endure :sweat:. I’m getting worse every day, the longer I’m without you, the reality of more suffering ahead of me is unbearable. All I really want to do is die.


I understand everything you have written,I feel the same
this grief is to painful,without my husband every day is torture I don’t know how we are supposed to carry on
I miss my husband so much he passed away 20 weeks ago tomorrow and I’m struggling with this heartbreak

Christine x


I never knew pain like this before it is like a changed life can’t see beyond each day and then these unbearable waves but sometimes as you describe I can feel him close and there is some peace please hang on in there this will not go on forever you are processing massive emotions you are not alone big hug to you

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You are definitely not alone I agree with all you both saying pain is like no other it’s going to be a hard journey with out out loved one I hate it if I did not have grown up children and young grandchildren I would not get through even that is hard effort it was so sudden never thought of having to live with out him Iam lost like you not the same confident person I was wish it had been me gone first sounds selfish he may have been stronger to cope sending hugs xxx


Thank you for your reply :heart:

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Hiya rose lost my husband 14month ago my john couldn’t have coped what I’m going through he told me that 2month before he passed so I will take the pain lv Annie x

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I really feel for you
Your words resonate with me
I cry I sob my heart breaks too
I just want my husband back so much
Sending love to you xxx


Hi this pain we are going through is absolutely horrendous I can’t see it getting any better. I ask my husband every night to come and get me but wake up and have to go through another day of tourture What an awful life we have in front of us x sending hugs x

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My husband passed away 20 weeks tomorrow and I feel this grief is getting worse,every day is torture,I hate living on my own first time ever
Anyone else not sleeping at night, I wake up every couple of dh of hours and takes me ages to get to sleep
I miss my husband every minute and I’m really struggling with anxiety
I know we are all heartbroken on here at least we can express our thoughts on here

Take care

Christine x

Hi 21weeks for my husband . I don’t sleep well either wake up every hour or so . I put radio on and listen to hits of eighties and relive our life in early days before we had children . I only eat every three or four days . I live of coffee and cigs . Can’t see it getting any better . Sending hugs x


Hi hope some of you are having a ok day I find myself just coming in here writing down how I’m feeling it’s rubbish try hard to get through each day it’s tough even though have grown family I feel alone they have there lives ahead of them mine has crumbled just did not see it coming 9 months with out him seems so long and further is so bleak I don’t see a way through it just wanted to say how I was hope your Sunday is better I hate weekends most now family time xx

Hi Rose
I’m really struggling today Its 20 weeks today since my husband passed away,I feel I’m going mad at times miss him so much,how do we carry on with this painful grief
I know we were lucky to have our beloved partners,I was married for 52yrs,but ut makes it harder now to be on our own

Take care

Christine x

I’m so sorry that you find yourself alone yes I feel the same meet him at 18 was married 45 yrs as you say we was lucky but I think it makes it that much harder with out them as we don’t know any other way oh life with out them thank you for your reply some times writing on here is all we have hope you sleep hard day fo you xxx

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Hi I just wish Chris was here with me or I was with him. Life so hard without him here. I feel like I’m an empty shell and just my body getting on with it. My mind and heart are with him every second of the day . Big hug x


Hiya Christine my husband passed 14 month ago I have about 4hours a night if I’m lucky always exhausted lv annie x

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I feel that same as you all just can not get my head round it I just struggle with every thing now I’m such a different person no confidence can not imagine living alone too long don’t seem to be able to sort any thing out in house all his belongings are in same place another day tomorrow what a thought sending hugs xx


Hi Annie
I’m the same finding it hard to sleep seem to get only 2 hours at a time,usually have to read a while
Since my husband passed away I have lost my confidence anxious all the time,things keep going wrong,my fencing broke freezer broke,faulty plug socket,it’s so hard to sort without Steve,I wonder what will be next he would have sorted everything
Hate being on my own miss him so much,sorry I’m going on just having a bad day worst than normal
Look after yourself

Christine x

I hate being on my own also. I feel overwhelmed. I can’t think of the future. Just living in the moment and am not really doing well at that. I miss H every day and each day feels harder than the last. We were engaged 17 years ago tomorrow. He produced two daffodils and a ring. He got down on one knee and if I’d have blinked I would have missed it. It was the happiest day of my life x

Hiya Christine since john passed fence fell down had to get plumber for over flow everything going wrong john fixed everything long days being up since 2 I’m bloody exhausted just want to sleep you try to take care hugs annie x x

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Hiya rose john and me were together 46years married 44 years he was my other half did everything together miss him so much of to bed to think night night lv hugs annie x