
Hi new to this, I’m really struggling with grief, at moment I feel like I let my dad down he was bullied by my brother and sister in law. I tried my best to stick up for him but I failed, I was with him at the end in hospital and myself and daughter held his hand to the end but I never told him I loved him at the time which still torments me now 8 months on

Sorry for your loss,putting your brother and sister in law aside. You should not be feeling guilty, their the ones who should be full of remorse. Your dad will know of the love you had for him being there with his grandaughter .
You both take care and know you did what you could and were with him.:broken_heart::two_hearts:

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I agree with silver fox. You and your daughter was there at the end. He knew that and with that you showed your love for him. You did what you could. Never beat yourself up. You was there at the end and that is what matters most.


Thank you, I did have many words with my brother about how he treated dad and so did dad they just laughed in his face, was horrible to see him so upset and hurt by them both :sob:

You have your answer they are not worth it. At the end your dad knows it was you there. That’s all that matters and no doubt where your dad is he’ll be willing you to believe that he was glad it was you that was there and to keep that in your heart and mind. Xx

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