Im not coping at all. I go over and over it . Feel to blame. Lost everything. Every day is torture. Anti depressents dont numb things for me but glad they work a little for you. Wishing you peacex
Hi , I’m sorry things are still so bad for you. I’ve avoided going to the doctors because I know all they can offer is anti depressants.
Like you I struggle through every day and its not getting better for me.
Did you go to see a therapist ? May I ask if you did, what type of therapy it was and did it help at all ? I’m wondering whether to try it again it didn’t really help me last year.
Wishing you well, Sadme
No i havent seen a therapist. I did see a cbt 10 yrs ago when my dad died though i was still functioning not like now but i never thought it helped me at all but thats just me others do find comfort and strength so try again. Thank you for reply. I know the people on here understand and that helps a little. X
Why does no one understand how hard it is and my life is so lonely (my partner passed away 8 weeks ago). Unless they have gone through it, many people seem to think I should just be “normal” again. Their lives carry on as normal. Having a really bad day of crying and struggling today
Sorry that was meant for Metalmickey. I still have problems with this site.
Thats ok im new to it too and agree with your sentiments totally. Sending peacex