
I lost my son at the age of 35 in March 2021 and just had our first Christmas without him. I’m trying so hard to get through each day, working full time but despite having my husband around I feel just so lost and alone.


Can’t imagine the pain of losing a child no matter what age they are it’s still your baby. Let your husband help you he is grieving as well and don’t be hard on yourself. No one should outlive there children. I know of some of what your going through my big sister died when she was 4 on Xmas eve many years ago but my mum as never got over it.

Hi janey1958 I also lost my son last year in May and Christmas has knocked me right back. It was his birthday Christmas Day as well meaning Christmas was always big in our house, I was expecting it to be difficult but it was so much worse . I don’t know , I think we expect it to be so bad in the beginning but somehow hope it will get better but it doesn’t seem to , there never seems anyway out.
There is a thread on here called “loss of our son aged 27” you might find helpful , I have done , we are all going through the same thing at different stages on it and try to support each other.
I get what you say about feeling lost and alone, I don’t even recognise this world anymore , I want my old world back, and even tho people try to be supportive they can’t understand , but we do on this site. I often thought I was going mad but find many others feel exactly the same way on here. Please keep posting and searching this site, I always turn in when I feel bad, even the early hour of the morning as I don’t sleep there is often someone on here. I honestly don’t now how I would have got through without this site, you can say exactly how you feel which you might be afraid to with friends and family.
Take care jss x

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Thank you. What a terrible grief we all share.

Hi janey like jss i also lost sam my son april 27th from cancer age 25 . Its just shocking .when you come on here you reliaze your not alone . Its hard to talk to family and friends i dont know why. But i also feel very lost and lonely this week the 13 th we got the terrible news four month sam was gone .the hole in my heart is massive and i feel time has made it worse .i want him to walk through the door without this site . Well theres no words .sorry your here and so sorry for your loss big hugs zoe


Hi Janey I lost my daughter Amy in October she was only 36, the pain is unbearable i miss her so much she was my best friend as well as my daughter, we should never have to Bury our children, please if your husband wants to try help you let him in know how hard that can be as I’ve separated from my partner of 9 years in December, feel isolated and very lonely xx

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