
Sorry for the rant but feeling so lost, lonely and having anxiety and panic attacks. Lost my beloved Rob who was my rock and soul mate suddenly and unexpectedly 2 weeks before Christmas. Not sleeping well and have heart probs/arthritis etc as well. I live in a flat, don’t drive and feel very isolated. So I bravely decided to get the bus to my daughters (about 30 mins away) to drop off some easter choclate. I text her yesterday and she said it was up to me, but she’d be busy with housework (they live in a mobile home on a site they want to build their own home on). So I got the bus which was a big step for me as very anxious and my Rob used to take me everywhere. I arrived at my daughter’s and she carried on hoovering completely ignoring me and then said didn’t you get my call telling you not to come? And would you bother Andy (my son) if he told you he was busy? She was so rude. I hadn’t got her call and I felt so hurt. I only stayed 20 mins to say hello to the grandkids and cried all the way up the lane to the bus stop.
I was shaking on the bus, and it was horrible going through a village me and Rob used to spend a lot of time at. I really don’t see the point in anything right now and struggling so much and that really made everything worse :sob:

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I am so sorry for your loss. What a horrible time you had . I think we expect our family to be there for us . But unfortunately it is not the case.i am sorry I have no words to help you but I do know how you feel. Xtake carex

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Thank you. At least here others know how it feels. It’s the first easter without Rob too. x

Hello Sal
My heart goes out to you. I have no idea why your daughter would be so unkind to you. Do you know of any reason and perhaps try to put the matter right. You need to be able to help each other at a time like this.
I’m afraid that this is what might be called one step forward and two steps backwards as this sort of experience can knock you backwards easily. You are vulnerable and the simplest thing can affect your mood.
Try to take care of yourself.

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Hi it is the first Easter without my hubby so to me it isn’t Easter its just another lonely Friday and a lonely weekend like all the others since he died . Xtake carex

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@Sal3, I am so sorry for you loss and you having such a torrid time.
It’s hard to understand why your daughter reacted to you the way she did, and you had been so brave to make the journey.
I am lost for words our families are supposed to be there for us. Your son and daughter must feel some of your grief as they have lost someone too.
Holidays such as Easter, birthdays are always going to be hard and it’s where we feel our loss the most.
My thoughts and prayers are with you. X X

Thank you. I’ll talk to her when I’m feeling a bit stronger as it has knocked me back. It’s not the first time though as she has told me to stop wallowing in my grief. x

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